Rahul, a 15-year-old student in 10th grade, found himself in a precarious situation while chasing a kite. A shard of glass pierced his toe, causing severe bleeding. Despite the urgency, Rahul didn’t head straight home. Instead, he sprinted to the Save Kids Trust (SKT) clinic, knowing that there, he would receive the necessary aid.
Rahul’s connection with SKT extends beyond his emergency. Whenever the clinic organizes community health meetings, he actively participates, drawing inspiration from the teaching. His aspiration? To become a doctor and contribute to the well-being of others! In Rahul’s family, his father works as a painter, while his mother manages their household. With a younger sister in the mix, their family is from a village far away. However, circumstances led them to Jaipur, where they now reside in an informal housing community near one of the clinics. Rahul’s future determination to help others will be fueled by both his personal experiences and the impact of SKT’s work in the community, which includes mentoring (see Divya’s story).
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